Sunday, July 24, 2005

Medical Interventions- Does it make a difference?

Medical Interventions- Does it make a difference? After going to the National Autism Conference, I felt I came back armed with new information. I came back with SOOO much information that I felt somewhat overloaded. Some of what clicked the most for me was how autism could be the result of a metabolic disorder and environmental toxins that were not present 20 or more years ago. They spoke of how Casein has an opiate type effect in some kids that do not process it properly (THIS IS MY CHILD!). With Christian, when you give him dairy, he is erratic, angers easily, and highly frustrated. He will scream and push and seem to block us out. He is non-responsive to his name.. he is our child pre-therapy. Thankfully, with the Soy he has a chance to make progress. Another recommendation at the conference was to give a multi-vitamin due to our kids limited diets. I am starting him on a vitamin and he suprisingly took it if I called it "candy". Last weekend, I was able to give him a baby aspirin for a fever by stating it was "candy". The funny thing is, he never gets candy. If it is easier to give him medications and he feels happy.. I am all for it! I met with Dr. Crevar, a neuropathic chiropractor last week and he told me that Christian definetly had some gut problems and that he recommended probiotics. He is taking a supplement 3 times per day with each meal. He said that if we can get his stomach back on track we may see a positive change. He has had chronic loss bowels since he was young and we are hoping to straighten this out. In layman's simple terms, If his stomach is not functioning and is "leaky" it does not process the nutrients it needs or complete biological processes necessary for optimal functioning. If we can get those things working properly, we can see an improvement. If I can see Christian's belly feeling better, then I am all for this intervention. Right now, we are going to stay and watch and see what happens. Hopefully, we will see a positive reaction!


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