Sunday, August 07, 2005

The words are coming to him

Lately, I have been so suprised to see that more words are coming to Christian. Christian has spontaneously used sentences which are rather long and is showing more responsiveness in answering questions. Often times, due to Mike's work schedule, he an I are alone with his little sister Lily. It is during these times, that I see some of the best gains with him.

Last week, he has just woken up and went in his room. I called out for him and he came in to see me on my bed, with book in hand. When I said "Christian, what are you doing?" He said, " I want to read a book". I was so excited.. so I pulled him on the bed and we read the book together. (Or we tried because his little sis wanted every book he put in his hand and kept stealing them and laughing).

The same day, he was coming in from outside and fell in to the door way. Now, his normal response would have been "Are you okay? Are you alright?" which is an echoe from what I say to him when he falls. His response, without cues, was " I am okay".

When I took him to see Dr. Crevar for his adjustment, he made me laugh! When we were on the table and Dr. Crevar was touching his neck to do an adjustment, Christian said " I am well". This was not an echo and no one had mentioned the word to him.

When we got home for dinner, he had a hamburger and potato chips on his plate. He called out "Mommie" and I said "Yes, Christian, what do you want?" His response was "ketchup". Now this is a HUGE deal to me! He called out to me, told me what he wanted and sat down. During the same meal, he came to me and said "Cheese". I told him that the cheese would make his belly not feel good and he said "all well". Of course, I had to laugh..but no cheese for my little guy.

One night when Mike got home from work late he wanted to sing with Christian. Mike had a big glass of tea with him and Christian was asking every way he knew how to get this drink. "Thirsty, drinking, drink, more". Mike kept telling him to sing with him and he would give him a drink. (He had a drink a little before but he loves his dad's iced tea). We gave him a sip and then Mike started singing "Itsy bitsy spider" Christian kept saying "no" "Stop" or any combination and even tried to cover his dad's mouth. It was so funny that I had to laugh and I started singing with Michael. Partly for Daddy's sake who just wanted a moment with his son and the itsy bitsy spider was their thing. He looked at me and said, "Why are you doing this to me! Stop!" I think I must have fell out laughing but it was such a huge GAIN! We gave him a drink and went to tuck him in bed.

He is learning the concepts of "Off, on" and will ask me to turn Barney on if it has turned off. Tonight, I was trying to get him to say " I want to watch Barney" and he said "Mommy get it". That is what I say to him when he wants something and is growing impatient and upset.

Right now, he is watching Sesame Street with Lily and is playing with her tiny little feet. He turned over saw her feet and said "tip toes" and then tickled them saying "tickle tickle".

He has been coming up to me and saying many things. His speech is clearer at times and easier to understand. If I say "what did you say?" He will repeat himself. I know that this is great progress!

On the flipside, he has been shoving more and pushing more. I think this is somewhat to seek out deep pressure. For the most part, it is not when he is upset. However, it may have some behavioral components to it as well. I am giving him more "big hugs" and trying to do more of his sensory diet.

I was reminded this week that God can move mountains this week that we see as insurmountable. He is moving mountains in my son's life and I am thankful!


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