Friday, September 23, 2005

So many changes... So many Oppurtunities

Well, It's official, my little boy is now 3 years old. With him turning 3, there is a whirlwhind of changes that will emerge. First Steps, a federally funded program ends the day of his birthday. For Christian, this means that his intensive in home therapies are no longer paid for by the state. He is currently receiving OT, Developmental Intervention, and Speech therapy. He has made such marked progress in our 11 months of services that we are looking at a much different child than when we began services. Basically, now we have to decide if we can pay privately on a limited financial budget or he stops these services privately.

He started Bowling Green City Preschool at Parker-Bennett Curry with Mrs. Klotter this week. She is well recognized in this community for her supports to kids with autism and developemental delays. She uses an intensely structured classroom and bases alot of the model on the TEACH curriculum. He follows a visual schedule from activity to activity to better organize his day. The aides are well trained and now how to make the most difference with these kids. I anticipate he will grow tremendously in this program. He will be attending Monday-Thursday (11:15-2:15 3 hours per day -12 hours per week). He will receive OT (with Toby Black) two times per month and Speech two times per week for 20 minutes (Elizabeth Gilbert). I am working to understand and see how we can implement all he will be learning across his life.

During part of the week, he attends Family First Early Learning Center (M-W 4 hours per day). He has been going there since December and really loves it. This allows him to be around peers and develop social relationships. He had a change in his pre-school teacher this week. He starts in a new classroom at PBC elementary school and a new classroom at pre-school (with Mrs. Amanda). Also, he attends Western Kentucky University's Early Childhood Big Red School (with Lisa Murphy) two days per week for 3 hours each day.

We are starting the process for impact plus, which provides additional supports. He will have a therapist (Monica Bledsoe) and TCS workers. They will also work hard to help my son.

So many changes.. with so many oppurtunities. I can hardly wait to see his growing...


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