Sunday, October 09, 2005


Sometimes, I look back at where we began and can not believe it is the same child. Christian is emerging from his autism and is beginning to make more and more attempts to come out and play with us. He has made two friends (Ethan, Grant, and their Mom,Kimberly). He asks me about going to play with them and will so, "Mommy, so see Ethan, Grant, and Kimberly? Play?" He enjoys their company. When he is around them, it makes my heart happy. These two little boys do not let Christian remain alone. If he goes to the sandbox,they go to play in sand. If he goes to climb, they go to climb. He ran back and forth with them for almost 10 minutes. With these boys, you would not see his autism, unless you look closely.

At school this week, he asked his speech therapist " I want a drink of water please". After he sat at his table for over 5 minutes (A MONUMENTAL accomplishment) he told Vicki, "I just want water please". Not only did he ask in a full sentence, he used a qualifier. Vicki said he is trying to talk with kids, but it is in his speech that they may not understand what he is trying to say. If we can harness it, and teach him what to say.. we are on a good course. I have been working with alot on saying "I want...." and he is doing it. So with concentrated effort, maybe we can get him to better conversational topics.

Monica, his new Impact therapist, saw him last week and said that he interacted with a little two year old boy and took his hand (YIPPEE!) and held it to walk with him back into the building. He has never initiated walking with another child holding their hand.

A few weeks ago, I offerred him milk or juice to drink and he asked for "more choices" When I asked him what other choice did he want, he said "Sprite".

We are continuing with Dr. Crevar and have started him on Rice Milk at his request to avoid Soy. His allergies are acting up and he is sneezing quite a bit. His stools seem more solid and less foul smelling. Hopefully, we will see a positive reaction with the rice milk.

I bought Christian another Climbing toy for the backyard (Which he now calls the Park) and a trampoline. I believe he really is able to re-organize himself if he can propreceptive input.

I will continue to watch him and share his progress. I can only begin to express my gratitude at his need to "Play Mommie".


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