Understanding Jesus and God's Love
I have been taking Christian to church since March of 2005. I started taking him to church after I realized what a blessing to another man with autism the church has been and how the man's faith had been a cornerstone in his life. Christian and I go (along with Lily) to Church on Sunday's and on Wednesday nights. When I first decided to go to church, it was with hestitation that he would be safe and adapt to the nursery room. He has amazed me! He loves to go and play at "Jesus's house" and will show me what he has learned. One night, His Papa had put up a picture of Jesus on the cross and Christian walked past it and said "Jesus". WOW! I did not know he could recognize the image on a cross. He has learned the Bible Phrases at Church that "God Loves Jesus". I was talking to his sister today about prayer and I turned around and he had his hands in prayer and said "Mommy, Pray". I can not tell you the waves of awe that came over me. Christian understands God's love and is touched by joy, love, and happiness at Church. I went to the PAL's ministry at church and my goal was for him to understand God and to learn to make friends. I know that he has an understanding of God and Jesus... I am sure they are working in his life as I see such a remarkable change in my son.
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Hello! I got your sweet email and checked out your blog.. and Christian's incredible progress! (By the way, you have some wonderful photography!)
I loved this particulary post, because, again, it shows both of us that God reveals Himself to our kids.
You know, the more and more I am surrounded by "all things autisic", the more that I feel that God is working hard for these kids.
I am glad you are doing this wonderful blog! Keep it up! There are others who are struggling with this same battle, but seeing someone walking through it..and succeeding... is so important.
Please keep in touch! Give Chrisian a big hug from me!
Kelly Langston
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